Lunar eclipse!
Hello everyone!
Done a booboo this week methinks - those of you I sent a CD with photos on - please try right clicking on the CD icon and then clicking on compatible - try that - cos the photos are deffo there and I did format the discs. If you still can't get them, let me know and I'll try agin!
Well - we've had a lunar eclipse! At around 10 to 9 last Tuesday night, it all began......
Here you can see the shadow of the sun moving up the bottom of the moon.
Here we are a little later on - it's going a bit orange now.
About an hour later, the moon was completely orange - just like a little fruit hanging in the darkness - Kev saw a shooting star too!
Very exciting! I'd told my class earlier that day and some of them managed to persuade their parents to let them stay up for the experience, joining all their friends and neighbours. We had a very animated chat the next morning all about their experience.
Now - what else have I been up to? Oh yes, a couple of weekends ago, Kev and I went to Murawai to visit the gannets in their colony. It was a beautifully sunny day, although very windy on that wild western coast! Upon arrival, we parked the car and made our way up the cliff to watch the noisy birdies. The views were (as ever) spectacular - it just makes yer heart soar it does! The birds were rather smelly though - especially when the wind was blowing our way! Pwoaarr.
Here they are, safely perched on their rocks in the middle of the sea.
An arty farty photo of the wild waves from the top of the hill!
Yesterday, Kev and I decided to go for a walk into Howick in the warm spring sunshine and on the way back we decided to walk up Stockade Hill (women and children slept here at night for several weeks in 1863 when there was fear of attack from the Maori during the New Zealand Wars).
That's Waihiki Island you can see in the distance - whilst sitting like two old fogies on the bench, we watched the red ferry make its way across.
Here we are looking towards the meeting place by the sea - Maraetai (my right eye) - luverly beach there with piers you can jump off - only during high tide of course!
Sorry about the blurriness! In my defence, I had just had a glass or two of Belgian beer - it was white! Very nice though.
Well that's that really - except to show you a view of the Auckland CBD at night from Devonport (we'd been out celebrating a friend getting her new job).
Here you go.......
Well gotta go - it's 9.44pm Sunday evening and I've been doing this for agesssssss - bloomin photos take yonks to download!
See ya!
x Sue
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