Happy New Year for 2009!
Hi all - hope this year is a great one for you all!
We brought the new year in with family and friends.....
Began with a rather nice Mexican meal and drinkies. This was then followed by cocktails made by our children - they used their newfound 42 Below University training (as a Christmas pressie from us to them, we sent them to lessons at the Vodka Uni in the city) - glad to see and taste that all this learning is now paying off!
We then moved on to watching The Sound of Music, followed by bashing a pinata, followed by watching the Sky Tower burst into firework explosions at midnight, followed by our own display, tv, then bed/collapse!
Here is the happy pinata - little does he know.......

Grim determination here....

'Just whack' technique!

Treading carefully.....

Go girl!

Where is it?

Swinging hard.


Behiiiind you!

And the winner is........!
The funniest moments where when one of us headed the wrong way - ie into the wall, door or towards one of us - brandishing the branch! Therefore, in order to help, directions were helpfully shouted out.....

"To your right!"

I love this one! Kev was stuck in this corner for aaages....!
Previous to all this chaos and carnage, during the day of New Year's Eve, we visited the Waitakere Ranges and Piha - it was sooo hot and we really regretted not taking our swimmies and boogie boards! Never mind. The fush and chups were good and we had a luverly walk, collecting the little purple sea shells that litter the black sand as we strolled along.

x Sue
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