Back To Work!
Back To Work!
Had a long weekend for Waitangi Day and then it was straight into work!
Spent Saturday with lovely friend – went to the Botany Shopping area, bought a birthday pressie ready for a party on Sunday, had a good goss and returned home for further womanly natterings.
Later on, son was duly returned by friend’s hubby – they’d had a lovely day at a wave pool and slidey place somewhere in the Henderson area.
It was good to see thewhole family again – must make sure work doesn’t get in the way of friends!
Started off very well until, all of a sudden in the afternoon, I found myself throwing up for England and New Zealand!
Son was busy baking cookies for that evening’s party – unfortunately, we couldn’t make it! We now have lots of cookies to eat!
Later on, another lovely friend popped in for a natter - but I was in bed asleep all afternoon! Son gave her some cookies and home-made lemon squash!
Luckily a Bank Holiday, but unluckily came down with a dreadfully foul cold – just in time for my first day at work with my new class – aaaah! I finished work in the UK last July and have had wonderful health until I start my brand new job – typical!
Tuesday onwards
Well, apart from feeling rotten all week – my first week with the children was a lovely one!
The staff at school are also great. Have had lots of lovely lemons from one colleague’s tree – shall make yummy lemon squash! So refreshing in this hot weather.
Have spent the time getting to know my class and remembering their names – highly unusual names to a Pom! However – it’s really funny how as a teacher, one always gets to know the boys names first! I wonder why that is?!!!!!
We have fitness every morning on the playground – the bell rings at 9 and all the kids stand in their class lines – each child standing on a painted cross marching on the spot ready to start(with their sunhats on). One teacher is at the front and the kids copy the exercises.
Thursday – received a very nice visit from friend – their stuff has arrived from the UK and they have kindly lent me their fridge (was surviving with a camping fridge until this point). Can now have fresh milk instead of powdered and lots of ice-cold drinks! Cheers – you are sooo kind!
Friday was the coolest day at school because the Year 3’s through to Year 6’s all did aerobics together! A great laugh – the kids were great. We strutted our stuff to ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ and other delights such as ‘Ooh Eee Ooh Ah Ah’! Great fun!
Another new experience for me was the Road Crossing Patrol. Year 6’s are chosen for this job and, along with a teacher, they stand at quite a busy Zebra Crossing holding onto long poles that they swing out into the road in order to stop the traffic. I attended this with the Deputy Principal – one of us on either side of the road next to each child. Very impressed with how well the children carried out their duties!
Son also seemed to have a good week at his new school – although is not impressed with the 1 metre rule – girls and boys to stay 1m apart! I think this is soooo funny!
He’s also extremely unimpressed with the fact that he has to do a 6km run – apparently the whole school does this together – should be interesting!
He’s not allowed to eat anything whilst walking home in his school uniform or to listen to music on his I-Pod - otherwise it is detention for him!
Says he’s going to wear a large placard whilst walking home full of swear words whilst listening to his I-Pod, eating an enormous burger and (sin of sins) having his shirt hanging out! Oh well…….
Well – the weather is getting hotter and along with this heat, we are receiving a multitude of insect visitors!
So far, this week, have had visits from:
A vivid green praying mantis – hitched a ride into the house on my washing – very unusual-looking creature.
Further vivid green mayflies.
Tons of cicadas in the garden being VERY NOISY – leaving their golden shells behind when they’ve grown too big! A Kiwi friend that I met last night at friend’s barbie stated that her kids love to collect these empty shells!

Empty shell - amazing isn't it! How does the creature get out - yet leave it so perfect? Must dampen itself or something.....

Underside of the empty shell! Look at those pincers!
MOSQUITOS – a source of great annoyance to many poor people here – luckily, I seem to have escaped their attacks and have had hardly any bites. Son gets bitten to heck when not sprayed liberally with repellent – they seem to love him!
Son also had some strange white bloodsucking thing attached to his foot after going fushing! YUK!!!
Also, last night at the barbie, I had my first experience of a white tailed spider! Luckily, it was captured by friend’s child in a clear plastic water bottle. Will keep well away from these now that I know what they look like!
I had a lovely time at friend’s barbie – it was good to catch up and see everyone again.
Well – that’s me – another week has flown yet again!
Next week: –
Sorting out our container that is imminent – gulp! But – it will be so nice to sit on a settee again rather than our $9 Warehouse Dick Chairs……
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