Hello again!
Another beautiful day is beginning and I’m making the most of the cooler part (early morning) to write me blog.
Have been to Piha again! I know yawnie yawn yawn yawn – but honestly it’s so much fun!
This time we managed to break two more boogie boards! As the day moved on I also produced lovely cold sores on my lips just in time to meet lots of new work colleagues! Yay…
The waves were mad again and son bodysurfed most of the time (having broken his board within the first half hour – strong waves!). It’s amazing to watch son and friends body surfing – they just catch the wave and surf in with it by keeping their bodies really straight. They’re all like fish! One minute they’re standing in front of a colossal wave looking so tiny and fragile – the next diving straight into it – leaving me with the image of a pair of feet disappearing into its depths whilst I suddenly realise its coming at me and paddle like fury on my board until I either catch it or it collapses on top of me!

Waves, waves - lovely big waves!!!!
The beach was busy that day due to it being a Bank Holiday Monday (Auckland City Festival) and I spent a lot of time avoiding people whilst careering towards the beach on my board. I actually surfed over the top of one lad and for one panic-stricken moment thought it was a very large fush of a certain breed! (Jaws music comes to mind here). Luckily he was fine and laughed it all off – especially when I told him what I thought he was! Great fun was had by all once again!
The days are very warm and swimming in the sea can continue until sunset very comfortably (or beyond if you so wish). In fact, the sun is so strong that my clothes are beginning to fade due to being hung out on the line to dry! Son has got some very fetching lines across t-shirts due to bleaching by the sun where they were hung across the line.
I have spent 3 days at school getting myself and classroom ready for next Tuesday when the children arrive. So far, I’m impressed with the school and staff – very friendly and helpful and a great common sense approach to many things - ie getting on with it without making it all so complicated! Other newbies include 2 Brits, 1 S African and 2 Kiwis – all lovely!
Son has also had a day at his new school and came home in a positive mood having met more kids of his age and his class teacher being a Cockney!
So far so good on the school front then!
We have also been to see the fireworks put on to celebrate the Auckland City Festival. They were fab!
Was chauffeured by lovely friends to the scenic Tamaki Drive area (outside Kelly Tarltons) where we joined the throngs of other sightseers to view the colourful display. We arrived just as the sun was disappearing beyond the horizon and witnessed yet another beautiful Auckland sunset.

Our view encapsulated the Auckland city skyline including the dominating tall and skinny Sky Tower. Lovely.
Here's a piccy of the skyline taken in 'firework' mode:

Quite interesting, eh?
We also enjoyed a Chuppa Chup lolly each whilst waiting – so if anyone walked past a group of people ranging from 12 to late adulthood all sucking on a lolly – yup that was us! (Kept us occupied whilst waiting!)
The fireworks were great and once again were accompanied by lots of “oohs” and “aahs” along with a variety of muffled thumps and bangs.

The final firework was apparently a 24-inch shell, which shot up to a height of around half a kilometre and a width of the same. It was GREAT!!!!!! I love fireworks! At the end, everyone clapped and we all agreed it was well worth seeing.
As usual I have been listening to chat radio and as usual have come across another ad that makes me larf! It’s to do with filling in cracks of windscreens and is accompanied by lots of ribald singing about filling yer crack in etc etc….. Well – I think it’s funny anyway!
Oh well – another fun filled week in the life of Sue!
See yus all soon.
x Sue
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