Hello again
Here I am in cyberspace to let you know what I've done etc etc!
The cultural festival was FAB! Quite a large affair celebrating the variety of cultures that go in to make NZ the multicultural place it is!

Here is a HUGE paella - full of mussels and very large prawns - yum (if you like seafood).

Yummy French crepes - mmmmmmm. I had a raspberry one and duly said 'merci'!
I also bought a very cool hat - no photos available - but tis very nice indeed - trust me!
If fact, I am wearing a hat all the time at the mo - the sun is soooo strong and one burnt scalp is enough warning!
There was looooads of food on offer - it was great! Indian, Chinese, Etheopian, Greek, Finnish - you name it - it seems that it was there - wow!
Of course - I did enjoy the cultural side of the day too! Ahem.
The following weekend was a very busy one for me too - I spent the day dressed up as a children's book character (Mrs Wishy Washy - Hilda Ogden style headress) - as you can imagine, I looked fab! Yes - you guessed it - it was the Otara Literacy Day (boosting literacy skills of the children of South Auckland) - do you remember Bob The Builder of last year!
And guess what - I met Helen Clarke (NZ PM) and shook her hand - and it was an ACCIDENT! Sooo funny! This is what happened.......
Well - I was headed for the door (to exit the building after watching our yr 3's and 4's come 3rd in the competition - well done them!) when someone asked us all to stand back due to the imminent arrival of our Helen. So, there I was standing right next to the door just minding my own business, when a little girl I had taught last year walked by and greeted me - I returned the greeting with a cheery 'Hi!", when who should walk through the door, but Helen, who immediately walked up to me and shook my hand with the cheery salutation of "hello Mrs Wishy Washy!" I was a bit stunned at that point (cos I was talking to my little pupil and not Helen), but very proud to shake her hand! I quickly recovered and gave her my Mrs Wishy Washy smile nonetheless!
Anyhoo - here she is - having just arrived:

Can you see her minder? Curly wire, dark sunglasses, black suit!

Another photo:

Telly people waiting for Helen:

I watched it on the evening news that night! Didn't see me though - probably just as well, given what I was wearing!
Well - that's enough of Sue's mixing with the rich and famous - here are some photos from our trip to Welly.

A lovely spinning top thingy - they had art sculptures like this all over the city and they were really very good - it was lots of fun just coming upon them in the most unexpected places!

I really liked this - the back view.

The front view - isn't it good?! We came upon it whilst walking around the botanic gardens.

An arty farty shot of a fern in the gardens.

Going up the very steep hill in the tram!

Lovely views of the city below.

Some more lovely views!

Me sat in a tram in the museum (most of NZ's major cities used to all have trams - inc Auckland!) We watched some old black and white movies showing the trams being used in NZ - interesting and fun!
A lovely steam engine! Sorry for that girly comment - but can't remember much about it except that it was something to do with trams I think!

These are for you mum - look where it's made!

This was a really cool bridge!
Well - tara fer noo.
Have got some more photos to download for you pleasure - so will go off to do that. Went to the Pasifika Festival yesterday - plus an AMAZING firework type display thingy. Will talk more of that anon.
See ya!
x Sue
Going for a barbie later as it is still absolutely beautiful weather at the mo!
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