NZ Diary

A description of what I get up to in my new life Down Under

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Guess what I've done!

Well - I'll tell you in a mo!

Last weekend we went to lovely friends' barbie and met more lovely people and ate and drank lots and got a bit drunk!

Thank you very much for your hospitality!

After that we went to Raglan - a surfing town - I had GORGEOUS eggs benedict for lunch and here are a few photos of said place (Raglan):

Space ship house on the beach!

Having a wander along the windy shore!

Bride Veil Falls from the top (55 metres up).

Bride Veil Falls from the bottom (55 metres down!)

Another angle! It was more beautiful than it looks really - lots of water falling down in a heavy torrent, crashing into the pool below and splashing onlookers around it (ie me and Kev)! Fantastic!

A beautiful baby fern near the falls - just turn yer heads! Forgot to change it before loading it on!

Oh yes and this week I got a lovely surprise from a blog reader and it was a fabbie new tea cosy - here you go - it has pride of place in my kitchen and is in constant use! Thank you very much kind reader!

And finally folks - the suspense will now end with my grande finale of what I did this weekend just gone!

Have you guessed it yet?

I wore a blue boiler suit with a yellow flash across it! (I looked gorgeous - VERY NOT!)

Ta daaaaa.........


Yep - very proud to say that I jumped off New Zealand's highest jump - 192 metres high - whooohoooooo!

The most daunting part was stepping off the platform after a count of 3! I then dropped about 10 metres (see photo) and dangled to have photos taken and for tourists to gawp at me from the viewing window (as I have previously done over a cup of tea).

It was fantastic - I think the actual drop lasted about 25 seconds - I really enjoyed it - BRILLIANT!

I did it with a fellow internet friend after a few drinks the night before - she went first and didn't die, so I followed! (just kidding!)

If you have seen the Billy Connolly video of him going around NZ - it's the same jump!

I am now the proud owner of a t-shirt and certificate!

I wore the t-shirt to work the next day - yayyyyy!

Well - on that note, I'd best get the washing in and put out the fresh stuff - back to earth with a bump - literally!

x Sue


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