NZ Diary

A description of what I get up to in my new life Down Under

Friday, October 13, 2006

I have been here one whole year!

Well - a year and 2 days now to be precise!

Doesn't time fly....

I've seen some beautiful parts of NZ and yet there's just so much more! I want to go to Napier, Nelson, Coromandel (again!) and the South Island and places that I don't even know about!

Roll on summer exploring weather! It is getting warmer, although we've had a bit of a blip recently! I received burns to my neck and face yesterday whilst watching the kids do relays at school and I was wearing a fleece because of the wind! Methinks I need a hat - gonna buy a really cool NZ black leather one today I hope!

Ooooh I can hear the tui in my garden - they sound so funny! Here - follow this link and you can hear one for yourself:

Aren't they pretty too?!


Hello again!

Too much to do and no time at all! Testing, assessing and reporting - equals very very extremely boring! Yukky pooey plops.

Anyway - we've been looking at houses - what a surprise I hear you say! We may just end up renting another year - there's no rush and who knows what will be happening in a year's time with son off to uni and hubby getting a new job!

It's a bank holiday weekend and its peeing it down with the odd sunny respite so far! Spring time - shouldn't complain eh?!

Quite warm though.

There' s some fun ads on the TV at the mo - saw the one where a man's nipples grow really long and he does some fun things with them (due to very mouth freshening gum) and it ends with him in a lift, with a very pretty opposite sex person (of course), offering the gum to her with a cheeky laddish grin on his face!

OOooh - have bought a lovely black leather NZ hat - sort of cowboyish! Love it - will stop me neck getting burnt too! Come on sun!

Still can't believe I've been here a whole year! Have noticed the season similarity to last year now - bottle brush red flowers on the trees, blossom on next door's apple tree, birds building nests, lighter evenings and a pink Sky Tower (for breast cancer month).

Last week - I went to the Domain (where the Auckland Museum is) and did a 5 km walk for breast cancer with a bunch of mates. We all wore pink, were given pink glow sticks and pink wrist bands, there were pink fireworks, marshalls wore pink reflective jackets and the floodlights were pink! It was a fun pink evening and a band played pink music whilst we walked and sang pink songs (just kidding)! Anyway I did my bit and received a pink goodie bag with further pink shampoo etc etc pink etc!

Well - am off in a mo to buy a new washing machine due to ours from the UK dying and no spare parts to buy! Will be a true kiwi with a top loader soon! Quite exciting really (or quite sad depending on your view point).

Well - over and out for now - ooh - yes - forgot - PR stickers in our passports are imminent due to the immigration people having taken our money to pay for it all - hold your breath folks!

See ya and take care.

Hi to the nana girls and get e-mailing J!

Sue signing off to buy a kiwi top loader - tara!

x Sue


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