NZ Diary

A description of what I get up to in my new life Down Under

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Finale was FAB!

We had a lovely time. There was a sex shop next door, so we all decided to pop in for a peep first! Sooo much fun - would never have gone in on my own! We all marvelled together - ha!

Here are a couple of the lovely 'ladies' - they sat opposite me on our table and duly informed us that they were only there for the food! They then proceded to eat our garlic bread.

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The one on the right was our compere for the evening. He/she proceded to call me 'bitch Sue' (due to my name being common knowledge on a pink name tag!) and whenever anyone did anything fun/cool etc would shout out "Give him/her the clap!" He was sooo funny. His laugh was like a goat after a few fags!

The other was very pretty, but sooo skinny. The show was fab - they lip synched (sp?) to some really fun songs - "It's Raining Men", an Abba medley and lots of others I forget.

Here's another photie:

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This was near the beginning of the show - gosh they were sooo tall! One had loads of tattoos and looked very manly.

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This guy kep nearly losing his wig! Another guy looked like his boobs were pointing outwards - ie pulling apart from one another!

Lots of questions were asked that evening - mainly about their manly bits and how they hid them so well. One friend bumped into one of their 'boobs' and said it was rock hard - so we decided they were oranges!

Got home after midnight and was wide awake for about an hour or so - so I did as any normal person would do and downloaded me photos.

Was well knackered the next day.

Well - it's Friday today and we had good old "News and Views" at school. The King of Tonga died this week - so I covered this as there are quite a few Tongan children in my class and it is big news here. However, upon looking at my News and Views book - I think I really need to lighten up - each one over the past 3 weeks has been about a death! First the Maori Queen, then Steve Irwin and today the King of Tonga - Jeez! We'll be writing epitaphs next. Better do something happy next term!

Yayyyy - only 4 days of teaching left, one teacher day and then 2 weeks hols - WHOOPDEDOOO!

I'm such a professional teacher - counting down the days to my hols!

Am off looking at more Open Homes tomorrow - basically you look in the property press at the houses you like and then view them during the alloted times given (say 2-4pm). There are flags put outside to guide the interested parties. All good fun!

By the way - our PR is approved in principle - more Yayyyas! Just waiting for the letter requesting our passports and (inevitably) more money!

Son turned 18 last Tuesday and we decided to go out for a pub meal in Howick. On the way we went into a liquor store and son bought a bottle of something very alcaholic "because he can". I bought a bottle of gin! Gonna have a swig tonight - got me lemons ready sliced in the freezer. Gosh can't believe my baby is 18 and eldest is 21 - I am sooo old! LOL.

Now - what else have we been up to? (drums fingers on table) Oh yes! Son and I had a 'House' fest - we hired series 1 from Blockbuster and watched as much as we could this week - really cool series - we love House! I want to be like him - he only treats those he wants to - maybe that could be converted to teaching - hmmmm - methinks I'd get the sack!

Guess what! A meteorite landed in Canterbury: The meteor, travelling at speeds of about 40,000kmh, flashed across the Canterbury sky on Tuesday afternoon (son's birthday) and caused a sonic boom heard from south of Ashburton to Blenheim.

How cool is that?!

I've had a haircut and the kitchen floor needs a wash - fun!

I also ate rubbish for me tea (not literally you understand). Too embarrassed to say what - but it was utter crap.

Must go out to exercise to relieve symptoms of guilt.. Oh no ... all symptoms have gone! Shall sit here instead. Mrs Blobby Pants.

I have made a skirt for summer - 'Clever Girl' sticker for me - hopefully it has washed okay - daren't look in the machine yet - could be in pieces stuck round the motor by now.

Gosh I am really going off task here - must get off this machine and do some serious TV watching - it is Friday night after all!

Tara fer noo.

Slopes off to eat yummy stewed fruit.

Will blog again soon.

x Sue


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