Finale was FAB!
We had a lovely time. There was a sex shop next door, so we all decided to pop in for a peep first! Sooo much fun - would never have gone in on my own! We all marvelled together - ha!
Here are a couple of the lovely 'ladies' - they sat opposite me on our table and duly informed us that they were only there for the food! They then proceded to eat our garlic bread.

The one on the right was our compere for the evening. He/she proceded to call me 'bitch Sue' (due to my name being common knowledge on a pink name tag!) and whenever anyone did anything fun/cool etc would shout out "Give him/her the clap!" He was sooo funny. His laugh was like a goat after a few fags!
The other was very pretty, but sooo skinny. The show was fab - they lip synched (sp?) to some really fun songs - "It's Raining Men", an Abba medley and lots of others I forget.
Here's another photie:

This was near the beginning of the show - gosh they were sooo tall! One had loads of tattoos and looked very manly.

This guy kep nearly losing his wig! Another guy looked like his boobs were pointing outwards - ie pulling apart from one another!
Lots of questions were asked that evening - mainly about their manly bits and how they hid them so well. One friend bumped into one of their 'boobs' and said it was rock hard - so we decided they were oranges!
Got home after midnight and was wide awake for about an hour or so - so I did as any normal person would do and downloaded me photos.
Was well knackered the next day.
Well - it's Friday today and we had good old "News and Views" at school. The King of Tonga died this week - so I covered this as there are quite a few Tongan children in my class and it is big news here. However, upon looking at my News and Views book - I think I really need to lighten up - each one over the past 3 weeks has been about a death! First the Maori Queen, then Steve Irwin and today the King of Tonga - Jeez! We'll be writing epitaphs next. Better do something happy next term!
Yayyyy - only 4 days of teaching left, one teacher day and then 2 weeks hols - WHOOPDEDOOO!
I'm such a professional teacher - counting down the days to my hols!
Am off looking at more Open Homes tomorrow - basically you look in the property press at the houses you like and then view them during the alloted times given (say 2-4pm). There are flags put outside to guide the interested parties. All good fun!
By the way - our PR is approved in principle - more Yayyyas! Just waiting for the letter requesting our passports and (inevitably) more money!
Son turned 18 last Tuesday and we decided to go out for a pub meal in Howick. On the way we went into a liquor store and son bought a bottle of something very alcaholic "because he can". I bought a bottle of gin! Gonna have a swig tonight - got me lemons ready sliced in the freezer. Gosh can't believe my baby is 18 and eldest is 21 - I am sooo old! LOL.
Now - what else have we been up to? (drums fingers on table) Oh yes! Son and I had a 'House' fest - we hired series 1 from Blockbuster and watched as much as we could this week - really cool series - we love House! I want to be like him - he only treats those he wants to - maybe that could be converted to teaching - hmmmm - methinks I'd get the sack!
Guess what! A meteorite landed in Canterbury: The meteor, travelling at speeds of about 40,000kmh, flashed across the Canterbury sky on Tuesday afternoon (son's birthday) and caused a sonic boom heard from south of Ashburton to Blenheim.
How cool is that?!
I've had a haircut and the kitchen floor needs a wash - fun!
I also ate rubbish for me tea (not literally you understand). Too embarrassed to say what - but it was utter crap.
Must go out to exercise to relieve symptoms of guilt.. Oh no ... all symptoms have gone! Shall sit here instead. Mrs Blobby Pants.
I have made a skirt for summer - 'Clever Girl' sticker for me - hopefully it has washed okay - daren't look in the machine yet - could be in pieces stuck round the motor by now.
Gosh I am really going off task here - must get off this machine and do some serious TV watching - it is Friday night after all!
Tara fer noo.
Slopes off to eat yummy stewed fruit.
Will blog again soon.
x Sue
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