Fridge has settled in nicely!
Hi all
Fridge is very happy! Guess what - it has a butter warmer! Ha!
I came home from work and shouted into the front room that someone had put the butter into the little ice box at the top of the fridge only to be met by the smug remark that I should take a better look.
Lo and behold next to the box is a little switch saying soft at the top and hard at the bottom (ooh - just reread this - mayhaps I have a rude mind) - anyway it's for the butter - we will never have hard butter that puts a hole in the bread again!
Recently we visited the trendy area of Ponsonby - very pretty and lots of cool shops with great gift ideas - I liked the Little Britain birthday cards that had badges on (Want That One, I'm A Lady, Don't Be Givin Me No Evils etc). Shall be frequenting there again. We had a fab coffee in an Italian cafe/bar and even better puds - mmmmmmm!
Posonby has a grassy area and there are statues in ground designed to look like the tops of buildings poking up! Really coool.

Ponsonby's quite close to the city too - here's a piccie of the Sky Towerin the distance:
Looking at it now, it's hard to believe it was a slum area in the 1970's - the buildings are so sweet.
The natives are friendly too - we were in a kitchen type shop full of trendy kitchen things, just mooching around and we nattered with the lady within about the pros and cons of the NZ Hakka with the throat cutting actions. People are very friendly here.
I have also been to Dressmart in Onehunga - had a lovely morning there buying a white cotton shirt (for the lovely weather to come) and fingerless gloves (for the cool mornings). They're made from possum fur and merino wool - very toasty warm. Kev bought a lovely jumper and Corrie bought TONS of stuff - have to remember she is a poor student after all! We ate yummy sushi for lunch too - I had chicken in mine though - not really a fishy person you see.
Had an interesting News and Views at school the other day - were talking about the war and sharing children's views from other parts of the world (from the CBBC Newsround website - very good) when one of my darlings came out with a corker:
"Muss, muss - is that the war in Lesbian?"
A swift reply, full of disdain, came from another little mouth saying:
"Muss didn't say that country - she said Lebanon!"
Luckily they were so innocent that noone new what they were saying apart from me! Whew. Great staff room memoirs though!
Well - it's Saturday today and it's pishing it down - most disappointing as the weather was BEAUTIFUL yisterday. Hey ho! Got loads of boring washing to do anyway.
Interesting facts (well they are to me anyway):
- The New Zealand cricket team is called the Black Caps
- Toilet rolls are white with pretty patterns on and often scented too (no plain colours like the UK) we are currently indulging in very soft rose patterned paper with appropriate scenty smells - loo smells lovely when you walk in (well - most of the time - ha ha).
- Money has changed here - the coins are smaller and some are copper coloured now - the new 10 cents looks like a 1p coin.
Best go out into the rain now to collect my washin from the dryer - can't contain the excitement.
Sue signing off for intense special mission to garage.
Over and out.
x Sue
Hi Sue, check out these links. There is something happening in the world of scrapbooking all these fab and famous yankee scrapbookers are in Aukland (isn't that where you are?) God I'm so jealous - I'd love to do some classes by these girls!
Love Andrea x
Yep I'm in Auckland - scrap booking is big over here! Will have a look.
x Sue
Unfortunately they're in Wellington not Auckland! Boo....
So perhaps I could cope with the extra scary wildlife if I got to go stash shopping then? Mind you by the time I save up enough to fly out to you I'll be too old to be crafting my fingers will be all withered up and I won't be able to see because my face will be all wrinkled up! It will take a long time but I'm sure I will arrive on your front step one day. We're off to Italy on Sunday - dead excited! We'll need an extra case to get all of Mam's shoes in.
Keep saving Andrea - dying to see you!
We've been looking at houses!
Wont be long now til we get somewhere of our own I hope.
Have a great holiday.
x Sue
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