40th anniversary
Well - we've just had the celebrations of the Maori Queen's 40th anniversary of her succession. I used this with my class in our News and Views Friday session.
I was trying to get across the fact that she has been Queen for a long time and that is why she is very tired this year, so I told my class that when she was made Queen I was nearly 2 years old. "Wow, you're really old, came back the response".
Oh well, I think the message was received and understood.
After our news review, I asked the class to write what they would do if they were King or Queen for the day - the lovliest reply I got (and I would deffo choose this child as my Queen for obvious needful reasons) was:
"If I were Queen for the day, I would let all my people have a little sleep".
Well readers, I am proud to announce that the Sky Tower is now white and not blue - took a long while to change this time.
I was talking about this with friends a week or so ago and joked that I would ring up to complain about the colour not changing. Funnily, their no 2 son was listening and when the Tower colour changed a day or so later, his parents told him that I had rung and complained - making the Sky Tower People change the colour to its present state!
He believed them!
Must remember to keep this one up when I next see him and also add some embellishments!
Last weekend, I caught up with my local friends by visiting their new home and having a Chinese takeaway. It was great to see them. I love their house - it even has a distant view of the Sky Tower (in white remember) from their spacious dick.
On Sunday, I had a Tiki Tour (sightseeing in Kiwi terms) with Ero friend, of the Maraetai and Beachlands area. It is soooo pretty and feels miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city, yet is only 15-20 mins drive from Botany and there is a ferry to the city itself for commuters!
Here are a couple of photos:

Oops - not sure if the above photo is taken from Maraetai! Sos - don't know where that came from!
This is where we ate lunch:

Beautiful view:

Thanks for a lovely day.
I took lots of photos, but the camera card must be full - sorry! Need to download the photos onto a disc at some point!
Have just noticed boring programmes coming onto the TV and spent a puzzling minute or so trying to turn over to another channel using the telephone! Going nuts. Kept wondering why it was beeping at me.
Hasten to add that I am not the only person within this home who has commited this faux pas!
Walked into school last week to see our Head writing on the notice board the following:
"There is a bucket in the ladies toilet and it is there for a purpose. Please do not remove."
Sounds a bit third world doesn't it?!
Well, we all stood as serious teachers watching and listening carefully and then, once she had gone invevitable sniggers ensued and there were addendums galore!
Oh - here are some photos of us going over the Bridge.
Up we go:

Can you see it yet?

On the top:

I love going over the bridge and have done it many times - including last Wednesday night to a friend's birthday dinner. It was great to have a catch up natter. So happy birthday to you again.
That was completely unrelated wasn't it!
Am now off to do exciting emptying of tumble dryer, followed by a shower, paying of telephone bill and a trip to cinema with lots of popcorn!
That reminds me - BEWARE! - popcorn is not sweet here - it is still buttered, but it is salted instead. Found this very strange at first, but quite like it now.
Kiwi fruits are back in season - very yummy and we are also being overrun by mandarins and apples - son likes the sweet and crunchy NZ Rose apple.
Feijoas are on the way out now - thank goodness - there were so many falling, the garden was getting rather overrun by them! Still the littlies at school enjoyed this fragrant green oval as well as various friends and acquaintances!
Pleased to hear you are still having fun, are you ever going to scrapbook those photographs and when will I see the results???????
I made you an crafty gift months ago, it is still sitting on my desk, eventually I'll get it posted to you!
The mini is still on order, another couple of weeks I think.
On half term at the moment, we are going to Norway at the weekend - fingers crossed for calm seas!
Hey Andrea
Goodness knows when I'll scrabook my photos! Am trying to do one for Corrie's 21st and it's very difficult as I don't know where all the photos are! She'll be here on the 28th June!
You must post a photo of your new mini!
Very jealous of your half term - we dont get them here. We have 4 terms with 2 weeks between each followed by 6 at Christmas. Our 2 week hols are actually less due to teacher days - rubbish!
Have a lovely trip to Norway.
x Sue
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