Groany reports.
Well - hi all
It's all go here as usual. I'm in the midst of boring report writing - we have to do them 2x a year here! Bloody hell.
Son had a lovely Ball - they all looked fab.
Here's a couple of piccies:

These were taken at the Pre-Ball party where the parents get together with their offspring and partake of drinks and nibbles whilst trying to make intelligent conversation.
The house was very posh - beautiful views from the balcony of the sea - swimming pool in the garden etc. Very civilised!
They were then taken to the ball via a party bus (this is the first time I've seen double deckers in NZ!) to Auckland City for the Ball, after which they were taken by the same said bus to a friend's house for the After Ball party. I picked them up the next day and they both slept on the settees during the day under the pretext of watching a DVD! Think they had a grand time!
It has been chucking it down most of the week - leading to children not going outside for a run around during break and lunch times - consequently leading to a horrible week of cooped up children - yuk!
Have been wearing tights with skirts now and the kids are FASCINATED! Keep getting little hands stroking my legs or pinging my tights - lots of stern glances downwards!
Also had chidlren asking me why I am wearing stockings - after telling them that it's due to the cold and that they are not stockings, but tights - I get the obvious question 'what's tights?' Took a while to think about an appropriate answer to that one - but my classroom helper got there before me:
"Tights cover your bum, stockings don't."
Brief, yet concise! Accepted by the children at once and they've never asked again!
It is definately feeling wintry now - much cooler in the mornings and nights consequently leading to an emergency requirement of heating.
Therefore, yesterday son and I trekked into Manukau City outskirts in order to find the gas bottle filler uppers and the gas heater converters. Found them very easily and they completed the job while we waited. We now have a toasty warm house! Lovely.
On the way to these very helpful gas men, son and I saw two amazing feats of NZ drivers.
The first was on our road as we were waiting at the roundabout in the rain - ie very slippy wet road. A car was coming from the opposite direction waaay too fast and decided to take a sudden left turn - well, he did eventually turn, but did a complete circle in the middle of the roundabout road on his way! Unbelievable.
The second NZ Car Feat was carried out on the Pakuranga Road. Picture this if you will - I'm driving on the outside lane of 2 lanes going north - the 2 lanes coming south are empty at the mo due to traffic lights halting traffic about 100m up the road. Suddenly, a car shoots out from behind me onto the oncoming traffic road, proceeds to drive about 50m up that road (in the wrong direction!), then turns right into another street, just before the oncoming traffic arrives! Amazing......
Believe me readers - these kinds of acts of madness are not uncommon!
Had a nice surprise yesterday - son bought me a jar of feijoa jelly and a huge bar of Cadbury's chocolate (from England - not the NZ one). It tastes bloody fatabulistic! Shall try not to eat too much at once! These are both for Mothers Day - which is in May over here - don't know why. He couldn't give them to me today as he is presently on his way to the Waitomo Caves for a school geog trip.
They are staying there overnight in, quote, 'segregated accommodation'. Just had a few texts from him on the coach. They are watching Pirates of the Caribbean and it took them 45 mins to get out of Auckland! No idea why - tis Sunday and all is usually quiet on the roads.
Well - that's it from me - short and sweet this week.
There is however some great news on the horizon - it looks like the house in the UK is sold - so everyone please keep everything crossed for me. I will be able to see hubby again soon! Will be a bit worrying when we meet him at the airport - son and I are not sure what he looks like anymore!
See ya!
x Sue
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