Eight months!
Hello again!
I will have been here eight whole months by the time this week is over! Wow - it's FLOWN by!
Have had a busy week as per usual. Checking through reports, teaching, marking, planning and making maths games (of which I am currently colouring in and getting ready to laminate). 'How exciting!' I hear you all exclaim!
Here are some of the headlines of the week:
An armless driver was arrested for speeding - yes I know.....but it's true
Another bloke was arrested for speeding and the police put down that his job was ARSEHOLE! (Apparently, the policeman said that everytime he asked the person concerned what his career orientations were, the reply given was 'arsehole', so that's what he dutifully wrote!
Yesterday, I came upon a programme on the telly - Saturday morning - it was called Trucking TV NZ! Yes - you guessed it - twas all about truckers around the country. There was the 'Hero' of the week who rescued a damsel in distress and the main story was about some new dustbin collection trucks that only needed one man to operate the whole shebang - it even emptied the bins itself by use of a special metallic arm.
Son and I found ourselves watching this fascinating programme in our jammies and began to have a conversation about said dustbin truck, when it suddenly dawned on us just what we were doing! Scarey - we were being sucked into the Trucker Twilight Zone. TV was immediately turned off and showers taken before we dashed out in the late morning sunshine towards the direction of Titirangi (what a lovely name!).
After a few wrong turns and son's bemoaning of the map book ("it's useless" and "there shouldn't be a road there!", "where the hell did route 20B come from?", "How the hell have we ended up in Papatoetoe?", "Yes, (huge sigh) we're on the right road, but going in the wrong direction", etc etc etc) we finally made it to Titirangi (snort!).
Drove around a bit, got some petrol and made our way to Huia. Absolutely GORGEOUS little place - really pretty - it was like looking at a loch in Scotland. Here are some piccies:

See what I mean?

Lovely tree on the beach.

Son walking along the beach.
It was so quiet and calm. Also - the weather was beautiful - unlike today! I collected some pretty little shells that I may use for my Christmas cards - I know it's ages away, but it takes me bloody ages to get anything done with all the stuff I have to do for work! (Rant over).
On the way to Huia, we visited a little beach in Titirangi (hee hee) and watched a man row in from his fushing trip. We also saw an interesting carving on a picnic bench:

and here are son's and my shadows:

Here I am walking down the hill:

and don't get too excited - here I am a bit further down the hill:

What a lovely day we had!
On the way back, we called in at Botany to get my blonde locks trimmed and to get food for the week. Bought scrummy bananas and lots of kumaras (we always put them in our mash - mixed with normal spuds - luvverly!) amongst other essentials.
Today, I am off on another Tikki Tour with Ero friend - to look at some new houses in the Wattle Cove area - getting an idea of prices and areas etc. Looking forwards to it!
Oh - by the way - I can hear you asking why I am doing so much this weekend and not giving myself time for marking, planning etc? Well - that's because it's a Bank Holiday tomorrow. And what is this Bank Holiday for? I hear you all say - well it's to celebrate the Queen's Birthday! Something never done in the UK! Thank you Queenie for my day off.
Sue signing out to get showered and made presentable for Tikki Tour.
See ya!
x Sue
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