House hunting, boat show, soccer world cup and fushing expeditions!
Hi all
Had a fabbie weekend last week and this weekend looks promising too.
I went house hunting with Ero friend - spent a lovely day looking at lots of very nice houses - here's our favourite:

Lovey eh?!
Ero friend slowed the car down and I took the photo very quickly before we were caught by the people within. We whizzed off! Sent it to hubby via e-mail to ask him what he thought! Told him it was a doer upper. Gave us lots of giggles.
Overall was very impressed with the newly built houses. They came with lovely tiled floors and good quality carpets. The master bedroom with built in wardrobes were more like with built in rooms!
I like the bungalows best and luckily they seem to be a popular option. Thanks for a fun day!
Upon returning from my house-viewing adventures, was called by other lovely friends and asked to join them at the Boat Show the next day - humm and haaad at first (due to copious amounts of work to get through), but glad I went because I got a NEW FUSHING ROD! It's a surf caster and I haven't got a clue how to use it - but never mind - I am an intrepid NZ explorer and am dying to try it.
I'm going to be very brave and hopefully I'll be able to touch the fush if and when I catch it. However, will have son with me to help if all goes downhill and panic sets in......
The last time I caught a fush was at the local market in Hong Kong. I had to chase it around the tank with a net and then take it home. Was descaling it in the sink when it suddenly jumped to life and nearly gave me a heart attack. Have been a bit of a wimp about fush ever since. Sad but true!
Before said intrepid trip, I have to buy hooks and weights. Again - not a clue. Hopefully a nice person in a shop somewhere will help me and will refrain from rolling around on the floor in laughter until I have departed from the shop and left a good distance between us.
The boat show was cooool. Saw lots of fabbie very expensive boats and also got to see various James Bond boats etc too!
Here you go.....

Very nice.
Here's Bondie things:
Front of sub:

Sub side view:

Red and white drag u through the water torpedo thingie:

Not a clue - but looks cool thingy:

Lovely lovely Austin Martin car (I think):

Had a great day and I'm glad I went - cheers for the invite!
I also enjoyed my roast pork sarnie with apple sauce - yummy scrummy!
News of the week:
Our house selling is looking good - everyone please keep everything crossed for us (and stay like that until I say otherwise).
Daughter is arriving in a few weeks and hopefully hubby not long after - yeehaa!
The All Blacks are playing Ireland while I'm typing this - it's 31:23 to NZ as I type! It's a tough old game - some of the blokes are HUGE!
Our school is having a sweepstake for the world cup soccer. We all put in $2 (winner get $24)and took a team out of the hat - my team is Mexico - GO MEXICO! Didn't take much for me to betray England eh?!
One of our South African teachers has got England.
Someone else got Tunisia, but had never heard of it! She dutifully got onto google and did some independent research.
My News and Views lesson on Friday was all about the teams entered - we researched where they were in the world and found out lots of interesting facts. Good fun was had by all.
Well - tara fer noo.
Sue over and out and off to get a BIG glass of wine before going to bed for much needed sleep in order to prepare for fushing trip to Piha (woohoo).
x Sue
Had a laugh reading your latest exploits. So it was you taking pictures of our house was it? Knock on the door next time and you can take some of the inside, you'll have to take us and you find us though!
Re the fushing, I have not had any luck surfcasting, up here in Northland, it involves wading up to your armpits on 90 mile beach, casting out as far as you can and waiting several days for a fush to swim past and take your bait. I prefer fushing off a wharf or off the rocks, where the fish are concentrated. Using berley seems to help to attract them.
My best advice is to ask someone local to show you what to do, or talk to someone who is already fishing there about what they are using.
The advantage of sea-fishing over here is thatyou get to catch edible fish. I used to fish in the uk in Lancashire, but it was really an excuse to get in the fresh air and admire the local nuclear power station.
Tight lines - as they say
Hi Mike
Sorry about your house! I'm sure it's beautiful inside.
We had a great time fushing - hurt my hand the first few tries of casting - but you are right - had a lovely man help us and show us how to cast off (sounds like knitting!)
Didn't catch a thing, but really enjoyed ourselves.
Well - shall keep on trying and thanks for the advice.
x Sue
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