Well, we have finally 'shifted' (kiwi language for moving house) and what a weekend that was! Tis Saturday morning now and you would never know it happened - apart from the odd box lying around!
Thank you very much to all those lovely friends that helped us each day:
Friday night - Sh family turned up (at just the right time) and helped us unload the 2nd truck load when poor old A, K and S were on their last legs. They also put our beds back together again - we'd have been on mattresses that night otherwise. (I finally left the other house at 11.10pm that night after cleaning - we had Hell's Pizza at around 11.30pm! - and for breakfast too!).
Saturday - all day - G, K and X helped with cleaning, unpacking the kitchen and putting up loads of shelves.
Sunday - R, L and B helped put in curtain hooks and hang the washed curtains back up again - LOADS of curtains! R also helped put in our new washing line and L and B picked the lemons from the lemon tree - they were dead old and needed chucking so new ones can grow - apparently citrus fruits don't drop - you have to pick them!
So - cheers once again everyone and I hope we can return the favour sometime soon (well - G, K and X are moving soon - so we will be!).
Whew - makes me tired just thinking back on it all!
The weather has been really lovely lately and summer is truly on its way! My classroom has been boiling due to it being of a portacabin type structure and like an oven.
Guess what! There have been icebergs floating from the Antarctic towards New Zealand - people have been standing on the coast of the South Island and watching them with their binoculars! There are also flights you can go on to view these beauties! They are truly magnificent - but the most stunning thing about them for me is the colour of the water on and around them - fabulous!
Here are two of them:

Sorry the piccies are a bit small!
Back to the house - just remembered - we have not only a lemon tree- but a fig, lime, grape vines and a whole hedge of feijoas! Mmmmmmm! Not sure what I will do with all of this bounty of nature! However - will do my best you can be sure!
More car silliness has taken me over - such a dumbo sometimes....
Well - I was sat in traffic waiting for the lights (they take forever here to change - Kev thought I was getting impatient in my old age when I first cussed the lights after picking him up at the airport) when I thought I would wash my windscreen (due to being covered in a multitude of fly corpses and stuff).
After about 20 million flicks of the stick thingy off the steering wheel and no water hitting the screen - I came to the conclusion that I had run out of water - 'darn it' I thought.
However, upon looking up and flicking a couple more times for good measure - I realised that I was not flicking for water, but flashing my lights!
The water stick thingy is on the rhs as opposed to the lhs. I felt such a #$%^&!
The bloke in front was giving me quizzical looks and I wasn't sure what kind of signal to give back - I quickly ran through a few in my head:
- a jolly wave (therefore looking like a complete plonker)
- a shrug of the shoulders (see brackets above)
- hand signals trying to explain what I was doing (very dangerous)
Thank goodness the lights changed at that point and myself and my red face could scuttle off home asap......
Well on that note! Shall speak to use (spelling used by a child in my class!) anon!
Take care!
x Sue
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