Have experienced lots of wind!
No - not that kind! I'm a laaady you know.
Hello again - how ya's all doin?
Well - another busy week has whizzed past and I have finally finished my reports! Yayyyyyyyyy! and lots more yayyyyys!!! Whoohooo and whoopdedooo!
Just got to print them off, sign them and give them to the head.
Spent every night on them from dinner til bed for 3 nights to finish the last bits off! Absolutely cream crackered by Thursday and fell asleep about 8.30 pm. What a lovely feeling I have now - not a care in the world! ....... I wish!
Moving house next weekend - GULP!
However due to lovely hubby at home, he will be moving bits over and the major parts will take place by next weekend.
Have got lovely friends too who are going to help us - big THANK YOU to you all.
Our new rental has got a limmon tree in it! Shall have to make lots of limmon squish and limmon cayke etc etc - yum yum.
Oh yes! Thursday night was soooooo windy! Winds of up to 120 kmph apparently. The Sky Tower had to close down due to lots of swaying making people ill and the lift kept hitting the sides as it went down!
I arrived home from work to find a tree in our garden had been blown over by the blustery wind, also knocking down the garden fence! I watched another fence from our window and thought it was going to fly into the sky at one point along with it's close relative our roof and roof's friend the TV aerial....
But they didn't - whew!

It knocked two fence panels down.

The good news is - it has been chopped up today and our old landlord said we can have it, so it will be taken to our new rental where we have a log burner!
Went to Otara market with friend and friend's mum today - absolutely heaving with huge fruits and veggies - well some of them...
The cauliflowers (sp?) were ginormous as were some of the tomatoes - massive!
I bought some Chinese veg (have discovered I am crap at choosing Chinese veg - it was too old and sooo bitter!). Also got some sweet tofu - was very excited at my discovery and am looking forwards to trying it in a mo when I've finished nattering to you lot.
I asked for it in Chinese and got a smile in return (probably asked for something rude as I have done in the past - ha!).
Oh well.
Lots of packing to commence tomorrow and helping to move stuff each evening thereafter - yayyyyyyy. Gosh it will be nice to have more space though and a whole little room for me to put my stuff in and to work in. Exciting!
Taraaaaa and see yas all sooon.
Off to eat yummy scrummy sweet tofu. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.
x Sue
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