Catch up time!
Hello everyone!
Well it's Easter Monday and I have a little bit of time to catch up with you all! The photo above was taken on one of the Devonport hills - they give spectacular views of the city from one side and the view of the sea and a whole host of islands from the other.
The weather that day was also quite apt too - it was quite a sad day for NZ - for somewhere in the distance of the above photo, Sir Edmund Hillary's funeral was going on. Hence the flag at half mast.
World War II stuff - Auckland was on high alert in them there far distant times.
Oh - by the way - we are going to get a kayak! Woohoooooo! Can't wait. It's gonna be a double one like the one in the piccie - it can be converted so that one person can use it too. Twill keep us busy during the cooler winter months! Bagsy sitting in the front!
By the way - we do wash in our house - but use the shower in the other room!
Well - we are off for dim sum in a bit, so I'd better get into the shower.
Oh - Kev's in there - a couple more minutes then.
Australia is having its Olympic swimming trials in Sydney at the mo and boy are they smashing records! One world record was broken in the backstroke by a 15 year old girl and another by a 19 year old girl in the medley. Whew!
Kev and I are off to Tonga in just over 3 weeks - CAN'T WAIT! But I know I have to .......
This means that I just HAVE to buy some new togs for the trup. Will also be taking my snorkelling gear - don't think I'll be allowed to take my boogie board on the plane - shame.
Had a lovely bbq last night - got a bit tiddly and ate too much. It was very hot yesterday - Kev got very red from swumming at the local beach! As we arrived at the beach - there was an Easter church service going on! How cool is that - service on the beach. Beautiful.
Right - gotta go - shower and lovely lunch are a calling.
x Sue