Gosh - it's really hotting up here now - was boiling at school today and we have sports day tomorrow - lots of sun cream for me now!
Well - hopefully I can get some piccies up from our trips to Taupo and Mount Ruapehu for you.
Here goes...........

That's the volcano next door to Ruapehu - cool photo eh?! I am very proud - took it from the car as we were driving towards it.

This piccie is on the volcano of Mount Ruapehu - it was as high as we could go by car - that building is the cafe where we had a drink after clambering around among the rocks.
Scarey - when you think that all those rocks came out of the volcano at some point. The most recent eruption was September this year - a smallish one, but one poor young man lost his leg when it was crushed by a large rock.
When we arrived at the visitors centre before driving up the volcano, we were told that the alert level was set at 1, which is not too bad a situation as you can see below:

Here's another cool piccie - it's my favourite - absolutely splendid!
Whilst on our tour of duty in Taupo, we also visited the thermal area known as 'The Craters Of The Moon'. There was steam coming out of holes in the ground all over the place, plus the usual farty aromas that accompany it!
A bit like Rotorua really.
Well - got to say - we had a REET GOOD TIME at Taupo and I'm sure we'll be back again at some point!
Well - Christmas is drawing ever closer and I am nearly sorted for sending stuff over to the UK - just got to write cards and send them off.
The deadline was today I think! Well organised as ever. Hey ho - a couple of days over should be okay - will send them tomorrow or Tuesday and keep me fingers crossed.
Three weeks to go til school breaks up - on the 21st! Whew - can't wait! The kids are getting end of yearitis and very unsettled lately. Got to keep on my toes and keep them busy.
Topic at the mo is Sunsafe - due to hot weather etc.
I heard the cicadas yesterday and today - definite sign of heat. Shall be off to the beach for a bit of boogie boarding soon methinks. Yeeeehhaaaaa!
Well - gotta go - bed is a calling and I am tired.
Must check windows are closed - stop the mossies coming in to bite us!
Tata fer noo.
x from summery sue
Lucky you, spectacular pics! BBC are running a prog here in UK all about "the power of planet earth" they have been covering volcanoes, fascinating how all linked to the earths core! Your lucky to have seen close up. Well done. from the Bananas back in Rugby
Hi anonymous!
I'm lucky enough now to have been on 2 live volcanoes here in NZ - they are amazing.
Great to hear from you and hope you are all well?
It's raining today - so I'm doing boring stuff like cleaning and ironing!
x Sue
Missed the posting dates, organisation in our house has gone to the dogs. Will make you a lovely digital card and email it to you - hopefully before the big day!!!
Don't worry Andrea - am ashamed of the card I sent cos I didn't make it!
Still expect something around the 15th Dec!
x Sue
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