Long time, no see......
Hi all
Sorry it's taken so long to get to you.
What with working all week and then enjoying each weekend with mum and aunt - it has been a very busy time!
Well, this weekend has been a little calmer due to copious amounts of rain! Yesterday we went to do the food shopping at good old Pak n Save and today went to see the movie with Jack Nicholson and lots of other famous people about 2 old men dying and what they got up to. Was very good, but quite sad. Had a bit of fun at the beginning of the film watching an old lady and her hubby groping for their seats in the dark and talking to each other in what they thought were whispers about how THEY CAN NIVER FIND A SEAT AND WHY ARE THESE PLACES SO DARK? etc etc
Last weekend saw us visiting good old Goat Island where mum and aunt took the glass bottomed boat to view the fush in that bursting with life marine reserve, and then mum proceeded to snorkel for the first time in her life! Needless to say she had a great time and completely disappeared, leaving me to search the waters for half an hour or so (fruitlessly), with visions of calling England to say I had somehow been responsible for her untimely demise, when I finally spied her sitting on her chair on the beach gaily chatting and gesturing to aunt on the abundance of wildlife in the water! Hey ho!
During the search for mother, I too saw loads of fush. I also - very carefully - glided over a rectangular piece of white jelly stuff aka a jelly fush! There was a little shark too! Upon arrival at home, later on, I noticed that another piece of marine wildlife had visited me - a sea louse! It left me with a very nice bite on my tummy - luverly! (For those interested - it looks a bit like a large mozzie bite and is a bit itchy!).
Here are some - yukky yukky yukkity yuk.....

We have also visited some more hot pools - at Miranda. Spent a lovely day there just splashing gaily in the warm water. In fact, it was quite a cloudy day and I STUPIDLY did not apply any sun cream. Consequently, I was the hilarious butt of laughter at that evening's barbecue with my bright red face and white circles around eyes, complete with white lines heading towards ears from my sunglasses/swumming goggles. I looked FAB! It was also very good for visiting my chiropractor 2 days later with a lovely red back and fetching white cross (cossie straps) in the middle of it! Bless him, he did not utter a single mention of it! No snide comments of 'x marks the spot' etc were forthcoming - thankfully - even though it was probably highly tempting.
Well - I must be off cos I'm supposed to be getting stuff ready for school and this is not really helping!
My new job seems ok and I am enjoying teaching year 7's a lot! Although, I had forgotten how much girls giggle at the most inconsequential things. It's also rather irritating at times when the kids snigger at certain words said in the most innocent of ways - eg 'nuts' and 'reproduction' etc - sigh - I guess it's the age. I also have to go through the whole yoghurt pronunciation again too. Oh well.....
Son is now well and truly enrolled at Auckland uni - he will be spending Thurs and Fri this week getting to know others on his course and where everything is etc. All very exciting for him!
Tata and see yers all soon.
x Sue
glad your'e keeping us up to date again Sue and that Mum and Auntie had a great time. Tell 'son' we're really pleased and hope he settles in and ENJOYS Uni! We're being battered by gales again 84 mph in Newcastle today - last Friday the Newcastle to Amsterdam ferry was blown from its moorings, crashed into an oil tanker in the river for repair and got a 3m gash in its side - consequently no ferries for a week! No more snow, but plenty of frost, at least when its windy its not so cold! Love from Mary
Marg from shaking Rugby - We woke up at 1am this morning (27/2)to rumbles of an earthquake! All the nanas send their love. We too went to see Bucket List last Friday, but I got the times wrong, so we didn't get to see after all. We have promised to go again soon, I'm assured it is a very funny film. Glad to hear you are having fun with the family.
I heard from my family in Newcastle and two bridges were closed yesterday because of severe Gales! What is happening in the world?
Love to all Marg xx
Hi marg and mary
wow sounds like it's all happening over there! Storms and earthquakes! Corrie said that the earthquake had happened and we've seen a little of the storms on Sky news UK over here - hope our winter isn't that bad! Son is enjoying uni and is very busy. Did you enjoy Bucket List? Very sad too! Good movie. Take care you two. Miss you all heaps (kiwi word).
x Sue
Thought I'd better shout as you are a long way away :)
I was thinking about you today, don't know why. Hope you are all okay. Is A enjoying student life? I bet he is.
My back is still knackered - haven't been to work since the day we broke up for the christmas hols. I had an MRI scan this afternoon to hopefully find out what has moved and where it has moved to.
Easter next weekend - hoping the bunny arrives with many cadburys button eggs. Do you get buttons down there.
Much love - hoping you are getting crafty by the way
Love Andrea xxxxx
Hi Andrea
Gosh didn't realise you hadn't been back to work since Christmas! Hope they sort it out for you soon. Nothing worse than back pain. Mine is under control now - I visit the chiropractor once a month to keep it all straight and to keep an eye on it etc. Let me know how you get on. I am doing some crafty stuff - but not as much as I should be! The weather is too good and work takes up the rest of the time.
A is loving uni and the rest of his time is filled with his two jobs - Fri nights in the pub and all day Sat in the shop (he has no uni on Fris). He's also busy with TKD and meeting friends etc. Hardly ever see him!
Hope y ou get sorted soon!
x Sue
Think of you all a lot too! Happy belated birthday to your dad!
Sorry Andrea - yes we do get buttons here and they are Cadburys too. There's lots of Cadburys stuff you can get here that you can't in the UK! All made in NZ. NZ Cadburys is quite nice - but don't like the Aussie Cadburys - yuk!
x Sue
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