NZ Diary

A description of what I get up to in my new life Down Under

Sunday, July 27, 2008



What a stormy Saturday we've just had!

They called it a Storm Bomb on the TV.  From when we woke up Sat am until we went to bed - wind, wind, wind and rain!

The garden (of which son has only just recently got rid of willow tree leaves) is strewn with tree debris (as was Kev's car) and we had no electricity all afternoon.

I read half a book!

However, we did go out in the morning to look at the sea on our local beaches.........before the winds got too bad and we just had to stay in:

Eastern Beach

Look at the size of those waves behind Kev and X!  Eastern Beach is a very sheltered beach - goodness knows what the other unsheltered ones facing the Pacific were like!

Howick Beach

Well - gotta go fer noo.  Apparently there's another big storm headed our way for Wednesday - woopdedoo!

x Sue


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