Winter is still upon us!
But we have had some lovely days in between!
Last Sunday, we drove down to Piha and had a very warm, pleasant walk along its shiny black sands.......

However there have been some other glimpses of spring too!

We went out for a drive this weekend and saw 'heaps' (Kiwi word) of these little cuties bouncing around!
The weather is showing signs of improvement and things are looking up! Our willow tree is sprouting leaves (after dramatically dumping the lot in the July storms), there are lemons on the lemon tree and we have discovered an orange tree in the garden too!
'How can you discover an orange tree?' I hear you all ask - well for the past year and a bit it has been completely swamped by all the other foliage around it. However, suddenly it grew some branches above the surrounding leafy mob and has produced a crop of about 6 oranges! (Have yet to pick and eat them yet - will let you know how that adventure goes at a later date).
I have been on another adventure today - albeit a short one. I have encountered (along with 2 fellow teaching friends) the Vibratrain machine!
We just had a 'play' with it today - just a run through on how to use it. Results? Seems pretty good - came away with wobbly legs like I'd just had a good work out - so will continue to use it and let you all know how it goes!
Points of interest re Vibratrain:
- Don't put your teeth together - they vibrate a lot
- Try not to talk unless you want to sound like a Dahlek (sp?) of Dr Who fame
- Sitting on the machine is interesting......
Well - tata for now - got reports to write and Olympics to watch - I LOVE the Olympic Games and these ones have been really entertaining!
x Sue
Hello sue
Have I found you?
Miss you loads and keep forgetting to get your email address off mags
love to all
T xx
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